Crystals and Fossils
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AB Plated Quartz Point AB plated quartz points are very pretty, with the aura coating flashing different colours as the point moves in the light. Quartz is also known as rock crystal and the ancient Greeks believed them to be deeply frozen ice that would never thaw. This image shows a selection of AB plated quartz points. Each one is unique in shape, colour and size. We are unable to specify whic…
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Amethyst Crystals Amethyst, a semi-precious gemstone, is a violet variety of quartz. It was worn by the ancient Greeks who decorated their drinking cups with it, believing that the stones would prevent drunkenness. These crystals were formed millions of years ago in volcanic rock in Brazil. Amethyst can be useful to artistic people as it is used to aid creative thinking, spiritual awareness and…
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Amethyst Pendulum With Chakra Chain This is an amethyst, cone-shaped pendulum for dowsing and divination. The chain has seven stone beads, one for each chakra. Amethyst is strongly connected with the spiritual and is a popular choice as a pendulum. Do not keep it near your bedside though, as its psychic abilities may keep you awake. Ensure you cleanse your pendulum's energy by leaving it in the…
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Ammonite Fossil This is a cut and polished ammonite fossil. It is a genuine piece of ancient history as ammonites thrived in the seas around 110 million years ago, during the times of the dinosaurs. This image shows a selection of ammonites. Each one is individual in shape, colour and size. We are unable to specify which one you will be sent.
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Bloodstone Tumble Stone Bloodstone, is a type of jasper, which is a form of chalcedony. Our tumble stones come from India. They have red inclusions of hematite, which resemble spots of blood and hence the name. It is said that Bloodstones purify the blood, clear toxins and oxygenate the bloodstream, thus enhancing physical and mental vitality. They are used to reduce stress, inspire intuition, cr…
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Blue Striped Agate Tumble Stone Agate is formed by volcanic lava bubbles when they cool and slowly fill with crystalline bands. Our Blue Striped Agate tumble stones come from Brazil. They have been tumbled until smooth and then dyed to emphasise the beautiful, natural patterns of the rock. Blue Striped Agate is viewed as a good, overall healing stone. It is used to ease the pains of strains and sp…
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Brecciated Jasper Tumblestone Jasper is an opaque, impure variety of silica. It is brecciated when it is composed of broken fragments that have been consolidated, creating patterns. It is the presence of hematite that makes Brecciated Jasper red. Our Brecciated Jasper tumble stones are from South Africa. Brecciated Jasper is used to control emotions, calm the nerves and stop you feeling overwhelme…
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Carnelian Tumble Stone Carnelian, a variety of chalcedony with impurities of iron oxide, is brownish-red in colour. The ancient Romans engraved them to make rings with which to seal important documents with wax. Our Carnelian tumble stones come from Brazil. They are seen as good balancers, connecting you with your inner self to aid concentration and open your heart to joy, sociability and warmth.…
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Chakra Stone Set A set of seven gemstones representing the seven chakras: Quartz Crystal - for overall balance of the Chakra system Amethyst - concerned with understanding knowledge and metal organisation Sodalite - for communication, personal expression and the flow of information Green Quartz - deals with relationships and personal development Citrine - helps improve self-confidence and personal…
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Chalcedony Space Bubble Chalcedony is a form of quartz that creates "bubbles" as opposed to growing into distinct crystals. The "bubbles" formed are plated with various metals to give them a shiny aura. The approximate size of each "bubble" is between 1” – 2”.
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Citrine Druze Citrine is a member of the quartz family. It forms as a result of volcanic processes creating amethyst, which when exposed to great heat turns all shades of orange, becoming citrine. It is also known as 'the merchant's stone', believed to help maintain a state of wealth. Size approx: 3-5cm The image shows a selection of pieces, all of which are unique in shape, colour and size. Item…
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Citrine Tumblestone Citrine, a variety of quartz, is named from the Latin for yellow, although the colour ranges from pale yellow to brown. It is a semi-precious stone which forms when amethyst is subjected to great heat. Our tumble stones come from Brazil. Healers believe Citrine is good for emotional well-being, preventing self-destructive tendencies and raising your self-esteem. It is considere…